600 gram tempe (fermented soybean cake) - not tofu
200 ml water
½ tsp. slaked lime water
100 gr. rice flour mixed with 25 gram cornstarch
vegetable oil
4 candlenuts
1 clove garlic
1 tsp. coriander seeds
salt to taste
1 cm fresh kencur
Slice the tempe in thin 3½ x 5 cm squares. Set aside.
Mix the spice-paste together with the water and slaked lime water. Add the rice flour and cornstarch and blend till smooth.Heat the oil in a wok, dip the tempe in the batter and deep-fry until it is golden brown and crisp.
Note: Make sure that the oil is not to hot, otherwise the batter and the tempe will not be done at the same time.
Label: snack
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